Our Team
Meet the team that make Hale such a great school!
Mrs Tracy Allen - Interim Executive Headteacher Pastoral
Miss Megan Coombes - Interim Executive Deputy Headteacher
Miss Sarah Newman - Federation SENDCo
Ms Faith Seaward - Business Administration Manager
Mrs Nicola East - Reception / Year 1 / Year 2 teacher
Mrs Clare O'Keefe - Year 3/4 class teacher - geography lead
Ms Nicola Smith - Year 3/4 class teacher
Mrs Jenny Mason - Year 3/4 class teacher
Mrs Katie Strawbridge - Year 5/6 class teacher and science lead
Mrs Rebecca Shields - Year 5/6 teacher
Mrs Donna Tully - Supply cover
Mrs Helen Wansbrough - Learning Support Assistant - PPA cover
Mrs Chrissy MacPherson - Extended school supervisor, lunchtime Supervisor and Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Melanie Crouch - Learning Support Assistant and ELSA
Miss Charlotte Ray - Learning Support Assistant, lunchtime supervisor & Forest Schools Leader
Mrs Kate Budworth - Learning Support Assistant and lunchtime supervisor
Miss Alisia Bowers - Learning Support Assistant and lunchtime supervisor
Mrs Linda West - Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Rachel Smith - Admin Assistant