Welcome to the PTA section.
Friends of Hale School is the parent-teacher association (PTA) for Hale Primary School and is a charity that exists to raise funds to enhance the learning experience for the children of the school.
It’s run by a committee of volunteers but all parents & carers of children at the school are welcome automatic members of the association. We are always looking for new ideas and more people to come along and lend a hand, so please do get in touch – you can email us here, find us on Facebook or come along to one of our meetings. Details of future meetings will be updated here and on the school newsletter.
Two events each year raise the most money and we really need everyone to pitch in and help. We run a very successful burger stall at the annual Downton Cuckoo Fair and a summer fair on Hatchet Green. These events generate more than three-quarters of our annual income.
We’ve also recently held a quiz night at the village hall and organise “bag to school” collections in addition to collecting regular donations through Easyfundraising – please consider clicking that link and signing up. It’ll cost you nothing but we get donations every time you shop at lots of online stores.
We hope to see you soon!